Saturday, 14 February 2015

Cheapest Training In Telford..

Did you know how cheap we are?

Mixed Adults £3 a class?
Ladies £2.30 a class?
Kids £3.46 a class?
Tiny Thais £2.30 a class?

That's as cheap as £1.50 per hour!

Standing order discounts are a reward for your commitment to TTB, can't say fairer than that!

All you do is set a standing order up for whatever day you want.. Relax and enjoy cheap training!!

No contracts or Direct Debits.. Got to be worth looking into!!

#yousave #webenefit #youbenefit

Mixed Adults £40 a month (all classes)
Ladies £20 a month (all classes)
Kids £30 a month (all classes)
Tinys £20 a month (all classes)

Set yours up today :-
Sort Code 40-47-11 
Account number 52699737